Procedural fluid simulation (wip)

How to deal with these long home weekends when you love math, physics and video game programming? Of course you make some physics simulation! (?)

Everything started with the wave equation, which I used to model the vertical displacement of this membrane.

This simulation is running on Unity 2019.3.7f1.

This is just a wip, but I will probably release a paper about this beautiful argument (and git repo) when it’s ready and clean.

Stay tuned.


“Real Programmers”

Lately I re-watched (after about 15 years) a movie called Revolution OS. It is a wonderful documentary that traces the twenty-year history of GNULinuxopen source, and the free software movement. Among the various stars, shines in the beginning Eric S. Raymond. I’ve started reading his book The Cathedral and the Bazaar, a little late I must say. But I’m almost 30 years old, I’m nostalgic .I would really like to get lost in that world, which after so much time seems so pure to me, trying to bring back something of those years, in this frantic and messy era.