This is gonna be a new brand of this blog/site/thing.
I love music, movies, books and videogames, and I would really like to talk about, for two reasons: I love to track my tastes over the time, and I simply love to spread the knowledge of what I think is beautiful. Sometimes I will also talk about what I don’t like, if I had great expectations about something that disappointed me.
But let’s be clear, if you are not a professional reviewer, who has the time?
Whatever the Merovingian says, I have no time (and no skills?) to write in-depth reviews, so when I feel the desire to talk about what I consider an artwork, I will probably write a Tiny Review, that stands for a brief list of thoughts about that argument.
Of course If I feel particularly inspired and full of words, I will throw them out in an Extended Review that nobody will read 🙂